Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Story of the day....

As we were walking to another visit of Valeries today, we passed a group of women and one young boy. He called out to us in creole. At first we didn't stop, having already gotten used to constant whistles and calls for attention, my first imstict is to now always ignore. But this boy wanted our attention so he called out some more. We stopped and he ran up to us. I asked how he was doing and them told him my name, asking for his. "Anthony" i asked him if he could read creole. When he said yes, I gave him a small tract. Then Valerie asked him if he knew what Gods name is. He confidently replied "Jehovah". After that we walked over to meet his mom and other members of his family. After inviting them all to the meeting, Valerie told the mother that her son seemed to really want to learn about God. The mother replied "yes. He wants to learn with Jehovah witnesses" we told Anthony that we would return soon so he could!

The other highlight if my morning was that I got to hold a really cute, really chubby, Haitian baby through the duration of an entire study! I assured the mom that when she comes to the meeting on Sunday, I will gladly help with the baby:)

Yesterday evening we went out here in Pedernales. I was assigned to work with a ten year old boy named Isaak. We were working in an area that has both Dominicans and Haitians living in the different houses, so it would work out nicely, as Isaak does not speak creole and I do not speak Spanish. Or atleast, I believe, that was what the brother who put us together had thought. As we started to walk away from the group I, in broken Spanish, started telling Isaak that I didn't really speak Spanish but I could manage with creole so things should be great. Instead of smiling back at me, he just sort of gave this hesitant, sideways look that seemed to say " uh, umm, yeah.... Let's just see what happens". So we proceeded to the first door where, of course, the woman spoke spanish. As she quickly went into her home to gather some chairs for us to sit down on her little patio area, I glanced at Isaak and gestured to him that he should talk. His look back was not so confident. As we sat down the woman looked at me, expectantly. I smiled and told her in spanish that I didnt really speak spanish but that my friend with me did, gesturing over to Isaak. At this point I could tell that he was really not wanitng to talk at all but was being forced into it since he got stuck with the american who doesn't speak any spanish. or maybe i just intimidated him.... i have been told that i have a knack for that;) In any case, he managed to hand her a brochure but then didnt really say anything..... she kept looking from him to me, back and forth. i could tell she really wanted something good to be said and that she was all ready for it!! meanwhile, isaak was fumbling around in his bag, i assumed, looking for his bible. this went on a little to long..... then Isaak looked up at the woman and grabbed his throat, putting on a face that said "it really hurts". The woman looked at me and says in spanish "he is sick. his throat", gesturing to her throat too, at that point, like that was the answer to all this awkwardness.... are you guys picturing this scene??? cause if you're not, you should. it was pretty comical!!
anyways, I can manage to read a scripture in spanish, which is what I did after borrowing Isaaks bible, and the woman seemed to really appreciate it. I then opened the brochure and showed her the contents. She just kept nodding her head, with a big smile on her face....... so i somehow told her I would come back, atleast I hope that was the idea I conveyed....... and thats how i came to have my first spanish call here in Pedernales.

Check out those cheeks!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness jen! your story was hilarious! jake and i were both laughing and shaking our heads:-) now you need to learn a little more espanol....
