Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rain, rain go away...

Hey all! Sorry, its been a few days.....not a lot to report. We have been having some major rain storms down here though, which was really neat at first since the wind and rain were so incredible it seemed like a hurricane was coming through!! But now, after 5 days of a little sun in the morning then BAM, rain and wind all afternoon, Ashley and I are ready for the sun to come back! Even if it means crazy heat. We miss going to the beach in sunshine!! Actually, tonight after service we just said "forget it" and took off for the beach anyways. Had a really nice relaxing evening swim. With a young boy names Jeubo. (he was playing baseball in the street when we walked past him on our way to the beach. 10 minutes later he appeared  for a swim too. convenient...:) He taught us some new spanish words. Particularly one for a flying fish since that is what we are pretty sure flew out of the water and in front of faces, only to dive back in while we were standing the water. it was crazy! we didn't actually see what it was, but nevertheless, it flew through the air! (Ashley said that maybe it was an eel, since her mom told her to watch out for eels down here;)\
anyways, i thought i would post some pictures of the yummy food we have been eating down here!

Yum! Fried chicken, plantains, & salad!
This is food you can buy on alomost any street corner

One of my favorite lunches made by Sameera!

This was a dinner at on of the local cafes!

Ashley and I are addicted to these cheese stuffed yuca you can buy
on the street for 5 pesos. Reminds me of a great appitizer at Andina's in PDX!

Charlie and Isaak rushing to get out of the rain today in predi!
This was food we got a bethel!

1 comment:

  1. HEY Wonder if they could reproduce that cheese stuffed yuca at Tomaselli's??! Gerry N in Elkton
