Thursday, September 2, 2010

Always follow the water.....

Since we are still so new here, it seems like everyday there is something exciting to write about! I hope that it continues like this, but I know that after a few weeks I will not be posting so much, everything will be more like a regular routine. But for now, you can enjoy my regular contact;)

This morning was of course fantastic! I visited one of my rv's from Tuesday. I didn't find her home, but her mom, Solette, was there. So I started a study with her and went through the first 3 points in the "live forever" brochure. ALL IN CREOLE!! Thank goodness for French and the fact that there are some really amazing friends here willing to help us, creole is coming much easier then I thought. For those if you who know me well, that's pretty incredible for me! Creole is simple enough for my memory. Plus the fact that we use it at every house!

Here's a few pictures from our morning:
Salle de Royaume, Pedernales
Me, Valerie, and another sister from Canada

Milen, Midafna, Deishica, Ismanu, Jimsle,
& Ishalin. Siblings of a study.

This is for my Papa. They are making bread.

Beach in Haiti. I was sitting at return visit when I took this!
Man pulling in his fishing boat.

So Valeria and I got a little sidetracked and started wandering
off the main road back to town. To get back, we had to ask
some people how to go. they said to follow the aquaduct back.
So we did, through the country, for about 10 minutes till we found the town!
Along the way we passed some farmers and some men bathing in the tiny canal.

1 comment:

  1. C'est tres encourageant!!! Je peut seulement imaginer tout ce que tes yeux regardent. Merci pour partager tes experiences avec nous:)xoxo
