Wow, the days have been flying by! I can't believe that I have been away for over a month already!! (counting the convention days:) Ashley and I both sometimes panic at how fast the time is passing.... well probably me more then Ashley. She's got Bruce back home to think about! (wink, wink;)
Anyways, we have been having a great time, comme toujours. Last Saturday Ashley had a great study with Tachilie and Marceline, the girls who came to the meeting. Actually, that whole morning was great. We had went door to door for just a little bit, then broke away to do some studies and visits. After having a good study with a young girl named Natalie, we went over to a new visit I had recently met. Earlier in the week, in door to door, I met a young girl named Annanemme and had started a study with her in a brochure. Halfway through the study a young woman came up and sat down to listen. She would help the younger girl with some of the answers, so at the end of the study I asked her if she studied with anyone. She said yes. I asked her who and she told me Linda. Well Linda is a sister who was here for some time but recently had to go back to the US. The young woman, Annanie, then told me that she knew Linda had left. So I, of course, asked if she her if she would like to study with me. She said yes. I set it up to return on Saturday.
Back to Saturday, we went next to Annanie's house and she was already to go, holding her bible and a bible teach book. We right away started reviewing chapter 3 together. It went really well! I can tell she is going to be a really enjoyable study.
After that study is when we went to Tachilie and Marceline's. We were covering the the information in the first chapter of the BV book about the difference between God permitting suffering and him causing suffering. Well Tachilie is the younger one, but, as we have found out, she loves to answer. She usually is the first find the answer in the book and read it out loud. The problem is that she is not really letting it sink in. So even after answering all the questions she stills demands "but why does God cause suffering???" so we patiently explain the paragraph again, and then even have her read James 1:13. After showing off her reading skills, again she demands " But why does God cause suffering??" Ashley dit, pointing to the verse we just read: "the bible says he does not cause suffering! We just read that here." The whole time Marceline has been quiet and I was just wondering if she was even understanding anything when, all of a sudden, she starts to explain to Tachilie everything that we just covered, in her own words, but correctly. She even chastises Tachilie for not really paying attention to what she herself was reading in the bible. She was like "you are just reading it, but not understanding it. pay attention!" Ashely and I were very impressed with Marceline's great reasoning!
After all that, Ashley and I were walking back across the border, thinking to ourselves when I suddenly had the thought "did that morning actually just happen???" I mean, we so quickly have just adjusted to this schedule and to the everyday assurance that if we are in service, we will get studies. And then having all these studies and calls, you barely get to work house to house anymore. And then a whole saturday morning passes without you registering what an amazing day in service you just got to experience because, well, it's just how it goes down here. amazing.
Yesterday evening I had another neat experience. I was with Martine and we were going to see a study of mine who lives here in Pedernales, but in an area that is mostly hatian. We got to her house but she wasn't there. Two little boys, maybe 4 and 5 years old, were walking by and they saw us at the house. The older boy then told us that my call was not home but that she was "over there", pointing to a group of about 6 adults sitting together further up the rue. We followed the boys over to them and said hello. All of them said hello back. One in particular seemed really happy to see us and asked us if we could give him something encouraging to read. Martine gave him a tract in creole. He thanked and then pointed to his friend and said he needed something as well, but in spanish. I had some mags with me so I gave him one. That man then pointed to a woman near by and asked if she could have one too, but in creole. I gave one to her too. Then another guy behind me asked for some good news, but in french. I happen to have french with me as well:) In all, we placed 6 magazines and one tract! They were all reading there own copies as we left to visit with my study!
Some really cute kids in predi who were following us on the road. |
Okay so lately the bladders of Ashley et moi have not been cooperating with the "pee right before you leave in the morning and not again till you get home at lunch" rule that we figured out as soon as we got here. Today, not once, but twice, we had to utilise outhouses in Anse a Pietre. This one here is a beauty! The dog at your feet was just an added bonus as you try to figure out how on earth to squat on this cement square while not touching it all:) Good times here, good times.....