Sunday, September 9, 2012

Service with Pierette

I was invited to go in service with a sister named Pierette yesterday morning. She goes to a local French congregation that meets near the river. We took public transport from Bethel to get to her territory. The area she preaches in is  lot poorer then the area that I had already been to with Mona. But the people were, of course, very nice and more then willing to talk to us. She actually had bible studies all morning so I just accompanied her on those. We also did a lot of informal a long the way. Everyone you stop will take the magazines from you!!
Here a a few pictures of my morning:

Pierette's Kingdom Hall

Pierette, on the right, and one of her studies.

Kids playing marbles in the road.

Playing cards

These girls were playing some sort of game on this, maybe choo-choo train?

Boat taxi across the river

Pierette and I

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to think the little guy playing cards is just about to say "What you talking about Willis?!" (younger viewers let me know if you need an explanation) :)
